What Can Dogs Eat? Today s question: is celery good for dogs? Should your canine companion have his share of the wheat free bag of yummy treats? Like human beings, can dogs eat wheat? Yes, they can, but there are several side effects of celery for dogs. Here's why celery is good and why celery is bad.
The first benefit of giving your pooch a piece of this green, leafy vegetable is that it is a good source of fiber. Fiber is important to keep your dog's digestive tract regular. Dogs also need the extra calories to help them maintain energy levels during the day.
If your dog is chowing down on celery while eating a whole grain snack, he's getting a little bit of both. Glucose (a simple sugar) is a product of the breakdown of starch in vegetables. So, the more veggies you give your pet, the more glucose he'll get.
Celery is also a good source of vitamins A, C, and B-complex vitamins. The B-complex is the name of the family of vitamins containing iron, calcium, and bromine. These are well known cancer protectors. Celery is one of nature's richest sources of these vitamins, and a raw stalk of celery is about the size of a deck of cards. Dog Behavior Training
You can eat a whole head of celery just about any time of the day, as long as you make sure to avoid the stems. Another side effects of celery for dogs are kidney problems. The kidneys must work extra hard to process the excess calories that have been absorbed through the intestines. Overloading can lead to kidney stones and other problems.
Although many people believe that a kidney stone is a symptom of diabetes, most kidney problems in dogs are a result of dehydration and high blood sugar levels. Peanut butter is another source of carbs that can be eaten by dogs, but only in limited amounts.
Dogs can chew on bits of peanut butter just about anywhere, so they get all the oleaginous calories that come from dried beans. However, they do not have the complex carbohydrates found in raw oats, which is where real food goes when it comes to long-term nutrition.
In addition, dogs can develop gastrointestinal distress if they ingest too much peanut butter or other carbs, which can cause diarrhea. Dogs can eat wheat, corn, and soybeans, but only to a certain extent. These are the carbs that provide the bulk for dog food.
They can provide energy and important nutrients, but only if they are properly prepared and mixed into a healthy diet. Too many carbs in a meal can upset the stomach and cause dogs to vomit. Only a small amount of wheat, corn, and soybeans should be given at a time and only after carefully mixing them with a healthy diet and some commercially prepared food.
Other health benefits of canines eating this kind of vegetable are increased stamina, a shiny coat, better eyesight, reduced risk of cancer, and healthier skin. It is also a good source of protein, which can help maintain proper bone health.
There are several different varieties of wheat, corn, and soybeans, so there will be something available to suit any breed. For the best celery diet, make sure that it is mixed with other foods that are nutritious without causing digestive distress.
The vegetable is rich in antioxidants, so it is an excellent choice for a daily supplement. Vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, and cabbage are also rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Some studies even suggest that it can protect against certain cancers.
Adding these vegetables to a dog's daily diet can improve their energy level and immune system. Fruits are another good choice, as they are high in fiber and phytochemicals. Both vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins A, C, and E, but celery is probably better than apples or carrots when it comes to providing the best all-around vitamins for dogs.